Western Grey Kangaroo

Western: Macropus fuliginosus

Animal Class: Mammals

Height: 3 – 8ft (0.9 – 2.4m)

Weight: 40 – 200 lbs (18 – 95kg)

Diet: Wild: They primarily eat shrubs, leaves, grass and herbs. Zoo: They eat grass, leaves, fruit and supplements.

Habitat: The western grey kangaroo is not found in the north or the far southeast of Australia, and the eastern grey does not extend beyond the New South Wales–South Australia border, but the two species are both common in the Murray–Darling basin area. 

Description: Grey kangaroo males are larger than females (rarely exceed 45kg). They usually live in small groups but may congregate in large numbers when feeding and are active from late afternoon until early morning, resting in the shade of trees and shrubs during the day. Strong, muscular legs propel the animal across the grasslands at speeds of 40 mph (60kmh). They are able to cleared lengths of 25 feet (8 meters) and heights of 9 feet (3 meters). Western grey kangaroos are smaller than eastern grey kangaroos. Their fur is darker and they have a darker face.

Our Animals: Will and Raylan