Nubian Goat
Capra hircus
Animal Class: Mammals
Height: 23-31 inches at shoulder
Weight: 100-135 pounds
Life Span: 12-15 years
Diet: Like most goats, Nubian goats are browsers that like to eat leaves, weeds, and grass. At the Zoo, they are fed a nutritionally-balanced pellet.
Description: Nubian goats have a distinct curved nose, referred to as a “Roman nose.” They have long, pendulous ears that flare out. They can be all colors. The breed was developed in England as a mix between British goats and a variety of lop-eared goats from India, the Middle East, and North Africa. They also come in a miniature size.
Conservation Status: Endangered
Our Animals: Ewok, Luke, Twi’Lek, Anakin, Jawa, Tauntaun