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Masai Giraffe by Emily Werner

1. Voting will take place from August 9 to September 6.
2. At least four photos will be submitted to the public in each category for voting on Facebook and Instagram.
3. The finalists’ photographs will be posted in separate albums on the Zoo’s Facebook and in separate posts by category on Instagram.
4. Anyone can vote for their favorite photo by using the “like” feature on each photo on Facebook and commenting with the number of their favorite picture on Instagram. There will also be a voting form for those who don’t use social media.

1. The photos with the most votes in each category will be the winners of each category.
2. No one photographer may win more than 2 categories.
3. Winning photographs must be fit in the calendar’s dimensions to be included in the calendar.
4. In case of a tie vote, the category winner will be chosen by the panel of judges.
5. The photos that receive the top five votes over all categories will go to a panel of judges to select the cover image.
6. Winners from each category will be announced September 13 on the Potawatomi Zoo’s social media sites.
7. The winning photos of each category will be featured in the Zoo’s 2025 calendar.

1. The 12 winners from each category will receive two copies of the 2025 calendar.
2. The photo selected for the cover by the panel of judges will be considered the Grand Prize Winner. The Grand Prize Winner will receive a one-year membership to the Potawatomi Zoo and two copies of the 2025 calendar.
3. Submitters are not eligible to win the Grand Prize in consecutive years.

We reserve the right to change or amend any of the above rules at any time.

Permission to Use Submitted Photos by Potawatomi Zoo and Zoological Society.
By submitting any photos into the contest, you give Potawatomi Zoo and Potawatomi Zoological Society permission to use them now and in the future for purposes of publication, including but not limited to marketing and promotional materials, educational materials, printed materials, television broadcasts, web sites, internal communications and signage. You will not be compensated for such use outside of prizes awarded as described above at the discretion of the Potawatomi Zoo. However, whenever possible, we will give you credit for the photos. By entering the contest, you agree to all of the above.

We truly appreciate all submissions for our contest, and we hope it will serve as a fun and exciting way to showcase the Potawatomi Zoo and promote civic pride in this unique community amenity.

Calendars will be mailed in mid-December to Zoo Members.

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