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Attention, shutterbugs! We’re looking for your best photos of creatures big and small at the Potawatomi Zoo to be featured in our 2020 members’ calendar and in other print and web-based projects. Guidelines and categories can be found here: www.potawatomizoo.org/event/2020-calendar-contest-submissions.

The winner for the 2020 Members’ Calendar is announced today!

1. The photos with the most votes in each category will be the winners of each category.
2. The photos that receive the top five votes over all categories will go to a panel of judges to select the cover image.
3. Winners from each category will be announced September 16 on the Potawatomi Zoo’s Facebook page.
4. The winning photos of each category will be featured in the Zoo’s 2020 calendar.
5. In case of a tie vote, the category winner will be chosen by the panel of judges.

1. The 12 winners from each category will receive a copy of the 2020 calendar.
2. The photo selected for the cover by the panel of judges will be considered the Grand Prize Winner. The winner will receive a one-year membership to the Potawatomi Zoo and a copy of the 2020 calendar.
3. Submitters are not eligible to win the Grand Prize in consecutive years.

Permission to Use Submitted Photos by Potawatomi Zoo and Zoological Society.
By submitting any photos into the contest, you give Potawatomi Zoo and Potawatomi Zoological Society permission to use them now and in the future for purposes of publication, including but not limited to marketing and promotional materials, educational materials, printed materials, television broadcasts, web sites, internal communications and signage. You will not be compensated for such use outside of prizes awarded as described above at the discretion of the Potawatomi Zoo. However, where reasonable, we will give you credit for the photos. By entering the contest, you agree to all of the above. As a non-profit entity, the Potawatomi Zoological Society relies heavily on donations from the community, including in-kind services and goods. This photo contest is an example of that – we are seeking donated photos of our animals to help promote the Zoo.
We truly appreciate all submissions for our contest, and we hope it will serve as a fun and exciting way to showcase the Potawatomi Zoo and promote civic pride in this unique community amenity.

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