Giving ZOOday
December 3, 2019
Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back, and here at the Potawatomi Zoo, we are part of Giving ZOOday. Giving ZOOday is a chance to demonstrate support for zoos working to preserve wildlife for generations to come. YOU allow the Potawatomi Zoo to be a leader in animal conservation while providing an affordable, educational and family-friendly destination all year long. We hope this Giving ZOOday you’ll consider a financial gift to help the Potawatomi Zoo continue its wild mission. Your donation is an investment in yourself, your community, your world and your Potawatomi Zoo.
When you give on Giving ZOOday, we give back to you!
Individuals who give $15-29 will receive 1 ticket good for regular admission (includes Gift of Lights and Zoo Boo).
Individuals who give $30-49 will receive 2 ticket good for regular admission (includes Gift of Lights and Zoo Boo).
Individuals who give $50-99 will receive 2 ticket good for regular admission (includes Gift of Lights and Zoo Boo) AND 2 attraction tickets for train or carousel.
Individuals who give $100 to $249 will receive 2 tickets good for regular admission (includes Gift of Lights and Zoo Boo) AND an attraction pass (10 rides on train or carousel).
Individuals who give $250 or more will receive 2 tickets good for regular admission (includes Gift of Lights and Zoo Boo), an attraction pass (10 rides on train or carousel), AND an Advocate-Level Animal Adopt.
On December 3, join us for Giving ZOOday!